High school students should start thinking about the courses they will offer at the tertiary level after completion. This is the right time to take advantage and make the correct decisions for themselves because offering the wrong course in the university can cripple one’s dreams and aspirations forever.
That is why we have taken our time to educate the newbie on the course to choose at the university since they are the courses with high job opportunities in Cameroon.
So you are preparing to get a form and apply for admission to a tertiary institution with so much excitement. You get the form, but along the line, you get stuck while filling it out because you have no idea about the course you should choose. You start thinking about the courses that will help you get a job when you graduate. There are a lot of courses with high job opportunities in Cameroon.
After getting your GCE Advanced Level, the next step is to get into the Training College or university. Whichever tertiary you choose, there will be a slot for you to choose a course that you wish to study or read and that you think you will be able to read.
In all the universities and tertiary institutions in Cameroon, they offer courses that have the potential of landing you a job when you are done. Other courses, however, expect you to put in a lot of effort before you will get a job.
There are a number of courses available that will prepare you for the job market, the thing is, most graduates from the university fail to practice what they learn from the university, others also fail to explore and spread their wings into other ventures.
Having specialized skills in a particular course does not mean you have to be limited to your course. You can apply your course to others courses and see how the world will demand your skills.

Courses With High Job Opportunities In Cameroon
Some of the courses with high job opportunities in Cameroon are discussed below:
Health-Related Courses
Health is something that can not fade away like other things. No matter how the world develops or the extent to which the world evolves, health and health services will always be in demand in the system. That is why these days a lot of pharmacies are springing up on every corner. As much as some of the health-related courses are demanding and stressful, they come with their own rewards and incentives to encourage those who venture into that side. With nursing, medicine, or any other health-related course, you can set up your own private firm, which will earn you a few bucks in addition to your salary.
IT Related Courses
With the world evolving and changing into technology, the top-notch course to pursue is ICT. That is because it comes with a lot of advantages. Almost everything done today demands a little bit of technology. There are also a lot of ICT courses that are in high demand around the world today. Apart from working for a company, you can also do a side job with your IT skills.

Another very demanding section yet a few students venture into is engineering. Engineering is not mostly in discussions, so many people have little to no knowledge about it. And because they are scarce in the system, they are high in demand and get a lot from it when it comes to finances.
Business Related Courses
We are in the era of CEOs and everyone wants to own their own business. There are so many courses in this sector that help you achieve the dream job you wish for. A lot of businesses are springing up, and definitely, people need business advice and expertise to help them grow. Studying a business course will give you the needed skills that are in high demand in Cameroon.
English Language
Another hidden course that is perceived as hard is the English language. But aside from the demanding nature of the course, which requires a lot of attention and reading, there are hidden job opportunities you can pick up if you search within yourself. With English Language, you also learn other things like literature, publishing, editing, and the production of books.
Unless you do not want to explore, you will find yourself limited to just what you learned. With this course, you can decide to be a writer, and we have different forms of writers, you can teach if you want, you can be a poet, you can be a publisher and you can do your master’s and become a professor or communicator.
Education Related Courses
Most people do not want to pay attention to courses that are related to education, mostly because when they hear anything about it, their minds automatically send them to teaching. We all know how teachers are treated poorly in this country. The fact is that there are courses related to education that have nothing to do with teaching. We have guidance and counseling education, rehabilitation education, special education, and other courses that can land you a good job. Others, after studying education, become educational consultants or other professionals. A teaching job is not always bad if you throw your dice well.
Law is seen as a very difficult course to read at the tertiary level and a very lucrative job. Things related to the legal firm are very tight in Cameroon, and for you to get the opportunity to get into that sector means a lot. There is always a case to defend, one way or the other, a legal person is more like a guard, defending and ensuring that clients get what they want according to their rights and the laws of the land.

Graphic Designing
This is another sector that most people pay less attention to. It is because of people’s perception of it, but they do not know that graphic design comes in different folds, from multimedia to videography, photography, and designing, which are in high demand in Cameroon.
These are a few courses mentioned even though there still exist other courses.
Suggested: How to Become a Teacher in Cameroon.