Writing a blog or being a successful blogger is not as time-consuming as you think. So long as you put in the groundwork at the start and come up with regular content ideas, the website will perform a lot of the job for you. I only spend about 6 hours a week working on my website, and I want to show you that you can do the same.
I spend 40 minutes a day from Monday to Friday and 80 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays. By doing so, I still manage to keep up with my job as an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) and an entrepreneur. Now, do the Maths! Isn’t that amazing?

How To Run a Blog With Only 6 Hours a Week? (360 Minutes)
Here is how to spend 6 hours a week only working on your website or blog (360 Minutes):
- 4 Hours – Writing (240 minutes)
- 1 Hour – Original Content (60 minutes)
- 0.5 Hour – Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitter (30 minutes)
- 0.5 Hour – Analytics (30 minutes)
Now, let me explain more about that:
4 Hours – Writing (240 minutes)
According to Neil Patel, Content is no longer king, but consistent writing will benefit the long run. I do my absolute best to write the most eye-catching content for my niche on the internet, which is why I dedicate so much time to writing.
I have written in detail about how important planning is, and I cannot stress it enough because when you begin writing with no thought or idea of how you will arrange your post or what to include, it can take a lot of time. Planning is even more critical than writing, though, as in some cases, it can literally halve your writing time. Ultimately, this will make your content rank higher in search engines.
I work Monday – Friday for other people, so I have the weekend to work for myself. I try to get all the writing done on the weekend to prepare for the week and not do much work. This usually works well. It is also essential to treat it like every other workday and get to your computer at a reasonable hour.
Because I know much more about tech, business, education, and health, I can write content pretty quickly once I have thought of an idea, and you should be able to, too, if you know about what you are writing about.
I figure that half of the work is done as soon as I have thought of an idea I can write. I am pretty good at writing, but once I’ve got an idea or even a vague concept, I can start planning what I want to include in that article and build it up from there.
How to get inspirational ideas to make great blog posts or articles
However, it is hard to conceive great ideas all the time, but the hidden trick is to keep thinking along the lines of the content you know the most about, what other people in your niche are writing about and what people are asking to learn. I subscribe to about 75 Atom and RSS feeds of people in my niche and take inspiration from a combo of what they have written.
It is good to see what’s out there because you know what you have to compete with and how well you write to create better content than them. That is always my goal because if you are not writing content better than everyone else, what is the point in writing in the first place? My website survives the way it does because my followers stick with me after reading a couple of posts or articles, knowing that I am writing actual and relevant content.
1 Hour – Original Content (60 minutes)
For me, it is tech, business, education, and health, but for you, it may be completely different. When I say original content, I do not mean text; I mean something different that sets you apart from the competition. This is relevant to everyone, even if you are just spending some time designing an art or arranging an interview with somebody – there is always something that you can do.
Every item on my website is 100 percent original and 100 percent the fruit of my hard work, which is beginning to attract recognition. I spend 80 minutes on 2 weekdays researching new content and designing great infographics and photos for unique articles I post. I would say I get a minimum of 1 or 2 comments a day on my website, Twitter or Facebook.
These comments usually thank me for my hard work, and I even get feedback from people asking me where I get the inspiration to write articles, given that I am a Medical Doctor. This little step does not take long but dramatically enhances your content and sets you miles apart from your niche’s competitors.
0.5 Hour – Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitter (30 minutes)
I treat Facebook very differently than my Twitter as I only post my own original content and posts, and I can have group discussions with peers. I check my fan page on Twitter and Facebook multiple times daily, but that’s merely out of interest. I do not really do much work there. I ensure I wait until it is the right time to start sharing content and discussions.
Regarding Pinterest and Reddit, I answer relevant questions, place pins, and link my articles where necessary. You may view our Pinterest and Reddit pages to see how we do it. Pinterest and Reddit aren’t popular in my part of the world as Facebook and Twitter or X, but it is still worth the time.
This used to take me at least 7 hours a week, but I have got the majority of it automated now. I now follow or like people in my niche, follow back new followers, unfollow people who do not follow back, tweet relevant content, and retweet links to my own site and Facebook.
The program called TweetAdder helped me achieve that. This now reduces stress and time out of my work and allows me to focus on a more personalized side of Twitter and Facebook to interact with other followers and readers.
30 Mins – Analytics
The last thing that consumes any real-time is checking my Analytics to see how well I am doing. Sure, it is crucial to know whether you are having a good or bad day, as there is always a lot you can learn from it. I have learned a lot more about what days to post and what exact time of the day I should be posting to ensure that I’m getting regular site visitors.
It also helps to know the amount of traffic and their traffic sources because it will tell you about the type of content you should be blogging or writing about.
You should do so if your site is not registered on Google Analytics. It will make this look so easy.
On days when I experience a significant bump in traffic, it helps to know immediately to make the most out of it. I can target the article or page and perhaps add an internal link to content that I want them to see.
Furthermore, I will use the opportunity to promote helpful content in the featured post slider on the main page, ensuring that the site users or visitors spend more extended time on my site and maybe even money. When you recognize that a particular website has sent you a ton of traffic, it’s always important to promote them or contact them too, as they will realize this and be more likely to support you again.
I hope I have shown you that it is possible to make a website grow and work without working on it full time. It is not really a full-time job. It can just be a little extra income until it pays you enough money to go full-time. I am not really making much money at it yet, but it is not taking me lots of time either, so I can still go off and continue my other interests while my website is growing.
That is something I do a lot. In fact, I’m boarding a plane to Mombasa, Kenya, for 5 nights starting this weekend; I just need to write a few blog posts before I go so that I can forget about writing while I’m out there.
If you are still to start a blog, read the top reasons why you should create a business blog today.