Make Money as a Successful Blogger in Cameroon

Consistency is very important and is one of the key driving factors of becoming a successful blogger in Cameroon.

Many Cameroonian bloggers want to become successful at blogging and make eventually money. Right now, we live in a blogging world. Whether you are a business startup, a business with an established portfolio, a freelancer, an intern, a doctor, or anyone else, blogging can still help you.

How Successful Blogging Helps a Blogger?

  • You can make a name for yourself or your brand visible
  • You can connect with others in your business or interest.
  • You can reach out to the public about issues you’re passionate about
  • It helps you to express yourself.
  • You can Update clients or an audience about projects you’re working on
  • To share your knowledge.
  • To learn to write better.
  • You can share your life with people important to you.
  • You can connect with your fans or customers.
  • You can make money online

When I started blogging in 2014, it was virtually unheard of in Cameroon, and there were almost no tools to make it easier. I literally hand-coded every section of my blog — including the monthly archive pages, “”older article”” pages, and so on. Needless to say, I was not a very prolific blogger for the first couple of years!

Today, anyone can get a blog up and running in a few minutes using free services that make adding a post as easy as writing an email. Also, Knowing how to get your content out is no longer a challenge — if you have something to say, saying it is secure.

How to be a succesfull Blogger

Getting Started

Many services offer free blogs to anyone who wants them. The most popular of these services are WordPress and Blogger, although a Google search for “”free blog”” will show you over 100 million sites — indeed, there is one that meets whatever wild needs or desires you may have. I prefer mainly because I’m conversant with the industry-standard WordPress software used on most sites I write for.

Also, offers built-in spam protection, a collection of charming themes, a word processor-like text-entry system (no coding is required), useful statistics (to see how much attention your site’s getting), and much more. (Note: I am not affiliated with them or anything, I just kinda like them).

Read Also: Top Blogs Hosted on Google’s Blogger.

How to Get Started with Blogging

  1. You should sign up for an account at or use other hosting partners like Hostinger and Bluehost. Your blog will be at the address You can alternatively register a free blog on Blogger or get a custom domain name.
  2. Select a template. There are lots of beautiful ones to choose from. Or you can select the default.
  3. Start posting articles.

On Being a Blogger

OK, now you own a blog. What are you going to do with the website?
The usual mindset of bloggers is that we post about our business and what we had for supper, but the reality is that there are bloggers out there writing about every imaginable topic.

Think about what reason or purpose you want your blog to deliver — do you want to make a record of your daily life, or maybe a way to keep your family and friends up-to-date while you are traveling? Or perhaps you want a place to promote your artwork, music, or activities and stay in touch with your followers? Your blog is only limited by your intents — what do you have to say?

Maybe you want a business channel to communicate with your customers — and where they can reach out to you? Perhaps you want to share your thoughts on life, freelancing, soccer, coaching, medicine, high school teaching, or fishing with the world?

Note that there are a few tips you should know about writing a blog, though. While there are examples of every conceivable format of writing on blogs across the Web, there are usually a few qualities that blog writing tends to share.

Sucessful Blogging
Successful Blogging

Top Qualities of a Successful Blog

  1. It is short
  2. Paragraphs are shorter
  3. Bulleted lists are standard.
  4. Important points are highlighted.
  5. It contains links to other sites as well as internal links.
  6. It is conversational in nature.

Let me elaborate on these qualities.

It is short

Reading on the screen is not as long an experience as reading on a piece of paper, so people tend to shy away from large or long essays or write-ups. 2,000 words are pretty long for a blog post; 1,000 words should be a good target; short articles of 300 words or so are perfectly acceptable.

Paragraphs are shorter

Because you have to scroll down a lot when reading on a screen, sections tend to look shorter, so a whole thought can fit in a browser window.

Bulleted lists are common

Bulleted lists are an alternate way skimmers are integrated, making all the main points easily accessible.

Important points are highlighted

Online readers tend to skim through write-ups, so web writers often highlight critical points in bold type so their followers can easily pick out the important stuff.

It contains links to other sites as well as internal links.

Blogging tends to take advantage of the ability to link to other work, either to offer up references (e.g., a link to a concept on Wikipedia) or to keep up with conversations started elsewhere (e.g., a link to a post on another blog which you are referring to).

See Also: Top 10 Rich Bloggers in Cameroon.

It is conversational in nature

Blog writing tends to be a bit more personal than usual writing. Readers tend to respond to the writer’s unique way of writing and their personality as expressed through their writing. That means you can use “”You”” and “”I,”” you can use slang, and you can even swear if it fits your site’s terms and conditions.

Keeping the Blog Going

There are more than 500 million blogs on the Internet, but only a tiny fraction are active. There are several reasons why blogs “”die”” — people run out of things to say, get busy with other activities, or, worst of all, feel like they are talking to themselves. Here are a few tips to help you keep your blog up and read:

How to Become a Successful Blogger and Make Money?

  1. Create a posting schedule
  2. Write posts in advance.
  3. Brainstorm a hundred post ideas:
  4. Tell people your address:
  5. Comment on other people’s blogs:
  6. Link to other blogs
  7. Write a guest post
  8. Write great content

Now, let me explain all the points noted above.

Create a posting schedule

When you start your blog, make sure you commit to posting once a week or once per two weeks, and schedule some time in your timetable to do that. Also, you should Start with a low posting rate — if you find you have enough time to post more, it will be a great surprise for your readers (as opposed to the disappointment of followers used to seeing you post every single day when you start posting every two weeks).

Write posts in advance

Always build up a backlog of two or three (or more) articles. This gives you a break in case you find yourself stuck on a topic with time, and you can also use the post scheduling feature many blogs have ( and Blogger both allow this) to set up posts for the future if you are going to go on a trip, vacation or something.

Brainstorm a hundred post ideas

Sit down with a handy notebook and write out seventy-five (or 50, or 100, or whatever you can — but set the bar high) topics you could blog or write about. Even better, create about 100 titles of forthcoming posts. You can also go another step and write quick summaries of what the article might look like. Pull out your notebook and develop one off your list when you are stuck for something to blog about.

Tell people your address

Let people know you own a blog. Put the URL of your website on your business cards, in your profile, add it to your email signatures, on social networking sites, when you post to blogs or forums, and so on.

Comment on other people’s blogs

Be an active participant in the blogging community. People will view your comments and click the link to learn more about you. Also, you will make friends in your scope of interest.

Link to other blogs

When other bloggers see you have linked to them, they will check your site out — and may link back to return the favor.

Write a guest post

Many high-profile blogs will publish guest posts from other bloggers to help them get some attention. Check your favorite blogs and see if they have information about contributing — if you can’t find anything, email the blogger and ask.

Write great content

I have reserved the most important thing for the last. Nobody will return to read your site if you write poorly or if its’s content is boring. Furthermore, nobody will publish your guest posts, and nobody will link back to you.

Consequently, You will not feel motivated to write because you will feel like nobody is willing to read your work and because you will feel unsatisfied with the quality of the work. You do not necessarily have to be Hemingway, but you must develop a genuine and engaging voice. Also, do not forget to leverage the power of search engine optimization.

Final Thoughts

Do you feel like not committing yourself to all the above just to express your random thoughts? Then, you should Try “”micro-blogging”” blog-like systems specially designed for short posts on whatever is on your mind at the moment.

The two best known are Twitter and Tumblr, which give you the flexibility to quickly post little bits of content — for example, by text messaging an idea or thought, sending a photo from your mobile phone, or sharing a video from YouTube. You can also see how I blog online for only six hours a week, on a tight schedule.

Dr. Melvin Temo

Dr. Melvin Temo

With a Diverse Blogging Experience Over the Past Five Years, Dr. Melvin Temo Publishes News Updates on Tech, Business, Health, and Education. Dr. Temo is Also a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Entrepreneur.

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