Download PCC Revised Church Hymnary: Hymn Book PDF

This post provides a possibility to access the Presbyterian Church hymn book or hymnary on mobile in PDF.

The PCC revised church hymnary is the most used worship and praise book in the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC). The Presbyterian hymnary songs encompass all relevant scriptures that Christians worldwide must read to draw closer to the most-high God through Jesus Christ.

PCC Revised Church Hymnary

Brief History Of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon

It should be recalled that the PCC is the largest English-speaking Church in Cameroon. Its headquarters is based in Buea, South West Region.

The PCC or Presbyterian church in Cameroon, contributes to Cameroon’s health and education services. It controls twenty-seven (27) presbyteries, primary and secondary schools, the Cameroon Christian University (CCU), hospitals, and over three million active church members or worshipers.

The mission of the PCC is to proclaim the Good News of God through Jesus Christ in word and action.

We recommend the PCC Anthem and Lyrics.

Download PCC Revised Church Hymnary or Hymn Book PDF

Download the Presbyterian Church hymn or songs in PDF format using the link below:

PCC Hymnary songs in PDF (revised edition)

How to Access the Hymnal?

  1. Use the one-time password ‘‘ without quotes to access the file.
  2. Extract the book using WINRAR or any archiving software.
  3. Next, use a PDF reader to read the book.

The link to the Presbyterian hymnary App will be provided.

You can now get the PCC diary for all years online.

Dr. Melvin Temo

Dr. Melvin Temo

With a Diverse Blogging Experience Over the Past Five Years, Dr. Melvin Temo Publishes News Updates on Tech, Business, Health, and Education. Dr. Temo is Also a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Entrepreneur.

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