Many people do not know the amount of Web activity or Location history that Google has stored about them since they began surfing the internet. How much do you really want certain tech giants to know about you? Are you concerned about your web habits, location data, and app usage being tracked daily?
The term privacy sums all that up, and this is becoming more alarming in this modern online era. It is no surprise more people now do everything possible to remain anonymous online.
Undoubtedly, Google enjoys dominance and monopoly on search and other online products, beginning with the software in many of our smartphones. Hence, it is plausible that Google knows a lot about us. The search giant is introducing web/app activity logs and auto-delete controls for location history to quail these worries.
It is a time-based setting. It lets you set how long you want Google to keep what it knows about where you went, how you use your Google apps, and what sites you visited. Two new options have been introduced: 3 months or 18 months. After your set period, the sensitive data will be deleted automatically from your account.
How to Delete Your Web and Location History From Google
The update having these controls has been rolled out to everyone. So check your google app for them in the Web/App Activity and Location History sections. We hope to see these privacy settings in other parts of Google’s apps soon.